Jumat, 10 April 2015

Modern Skirmish Gaming (or "Not Insurgents Again")

This post was prompted by the new Chain of Command spin-off  Fighting Season.  Since CoC is the Lardies best and most polished ruleset ever, with some great innovations, I should be more excited.  But I'm not.  But it isn't the rules that are a problem.

It isn't the minis.  Some of the modern stuff is really great.  Empress, Red Star and Eureka make great 28mms.  The former two have amazing detail and production quality.  S&S have 20mm that tempt me to try a new scale.  And every 15mm manufacturer worth their salt has tipped their toes in at least, though QRF and Peter Pig are the dominant players.  I want a reason to buy more modern soldiers.

I want to buy modern minis.  I want to use them.  But I really don't want to play Afghanistan or Iraq. Again.  Modern skirmish or platoon level gaming is rapidly becoming as crowded as WW2 platoon level or hard sci fi "Vietnam-on-Space."  I'm tired of insurgents/freedom fighters/terrorists.  I'm tired of sand and Middle Eastern terrain.

So here's what I'd like to play with my modern soldiers....

Well, besides modern psychic/horror (psychic powers ftw! ...and yes you can have Cthulhu if you insist), X-COM (if only we had decent minis); Alien Invasion (Battle for Los Angeles) and Stargate.  I think gabbed on these topics a bit already.  But besides this? Wait for it.....

Hollow Earth
Yes, why should 1930s pulp heroes get all the fun?  If you want to avoid corny giant gorillas and dinosaurs, maybe make it reptilian aliens or demons for a grittier feel.  You know the things mankind has feared for centuries, that make up the stuff of our darkest legends and myths?   They're real, and they live beneath us.  Dig out your random monster minis, people!  Also, the underground nature would be a good reason to focus on small scale infantry combat, and make for fun terrain.  Maybe unexplored civilizations lie 40,000ft beneath our feet....   Perhaps also renegade Nazis who burrowed too deep from their Antarctica base when fleeing Admiral Baird's expedition....

Hebrew Mythology
Yes, this is a bit of a weird one.  But Hebrew myth (and part of the Catholic Apocrytha) allude to the "Fallen"  - 200-odd angels sent to guide mankind but who got too involved in human affairs. Hence "the"  Flood which was primarily to exterminate them.  This would be a nice change from Vampires/Werewolves but with similar gameplay effects.  It has a basis for a faith/magic system and premade (but not too familiar) fluff.  Fallen could fall into good/evil/neutral camps and would have human followers (or even organisations, like Opus Dei or MJ12). They could be opposed by "Demons" - incorporeal beings who control humans like puppets.  More powerful demons could split themselves to control several humans - or give a single human superhuman abilities.  If a possessed human is killed it proportionately weakens the demonic entity. Demonic gameplay could give an asymetrical feel and involves resource management.  Humans would be weaker, but rare individuals could possess more "Faith" making them meatshields or powerful glasscannon mages.  And perhaps add Nephilim- half human/angel hybrids from Nazi experiments in the war.  Also, golems.

Anyway, back later. I'm off to glue a flaming sword onto the back of my 28mm US Special forces.... 

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