First reaction: Heh, Spartan Games is making Halo. How apt!
Second reaction: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Why the negativity? Well, I do like Spartan Games as a company. The interactions I have had with them have impressed me with their courtesy and service. I also like the idea of a small company successfully growing and carving out a niche in the wargaming world.
However, their rules suck. And they use the same rules for every game system they have ever put out. Someone needs to tell them - their rules aren't that good! Certainly not worth copying repeatedly...
People play their games because of the genre (Firestorm Armada was the only supported space game out there until FFG arrived a year ago, Uncharted Seas is fantasy naval - basically inheriting the nostalgia/goodwill from the long defunct Man O'War - and Dystopian Wars has ridden the steampunk craze as pretty much the only offering in 3mm). People aren't playing their games for their rules.
Given their track record so far, it is hard to imagine Halo (both space and ground) being anything other than a carbon copy of Dystopian Wars/Firestorm Armada/Uncharted Seas with Halo models.
Basically, the Firestorm engine reminds me of an attempt to copy the Battlefleet Gothic engine with all the good bits stripped out and replaced with worse bits. (Yes, I know Uncharted came first, but it has no direct comparison/competitor)
Let's compare:
Battlefleet Gothic Buckets of dice (....if you like that sort of thing) +Blast markers both add "terrain"and damage effects that look nice +Order system has risk-reward and allows ships to be set in one of 6 "modes" +Crew skills actually matter +Torpedoes move unguided across the table, acting as extra terrain/hazard +Less record keeping than your average space game Unique ornate, baroque ships - ridiculously large because of game universe (OK, I guess) WW1 in space feel because of game universe (fair enough) | Firestorm Armada -Increases the buckets of dice with even more dice... ...ok this is getting silly -Adds exploding d6s to boot (extra randomness, yay!) -No blast markers or "terrain" -Replaces orders system with random card deck you have to buy separately -Crew are simply extra damage tracking -Torpedoes simply act as guns you can intercept with extra dice roll "saves" +Less record keeping than your average space game -Ridiculously large, bland, generic ships.... ....size chosen because of BFG? (There's something ridiculous about seeing normal spaceships move less than their length). Generic spaceships are very bland (I could scratch build more interesting ships with a hobby knife, glue and some erasers) |
Firestorm Armada emphasizes the more annoying qualities of BFG (huge models vs small movement, buckets of dice) whilst removing the good (blast markers and crew orders added flavour and depth); even whilst freed from the justification of fitting Warhammer's universe.
Can you have fun with Firestorm Armada? Sure. I can also have fun playing Yahtzee, if I'm in the mood. And that's what Firestorm Armada feels like. Push all your models into the centre of the table and chug handfuls of dice, hoping for 6s. Tactics, smactics. Who needs 'em?
If all you seek is a reason to mindlessly push models around the table; then you'll love the chance to do the same in the Halo universe. But if you aspire to more in your gaming (I.e. you actually like using tactics and outsmarting your enemies rather than victory-through-rolling 6s) then Spartan's mindless rules copy-and-paste might leave you cold.
Oh well, there's always Dropfleet Commander - here's hoping they do something original and good.
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