Sabtu, 27 Juli 2013

Cheap Cardboard Wargames Terrain for 10mm & 15mm Modern/Sci Fi - Dropzone Commander

I'm always on the lookout for cheap, easy terrain.  I've had mostly-good experience with Terraclips (though it is a pain in the neck to assemble) so when I saw that Hawk Wargames put out a 6x4 "table" worth of cardboard cityscape for their 10mm game, Dropzone Commander, I couldn't resist.

 Rather thin cardboard... but a decent amount of it...
The Shiny
I was a bit disappointed on unboxing. A bunch of card sheets, stuffed rather loosely in the box. The card was rather thin, and I was a little disappointed by the contents. It was just so... flimsy and cardboardy....    But then I spread it out and realised there was rather a lot of it....

The Base
The base tiles were double sided offering a huge range of customisation options. However the thin card was very noticeable here - you don't want to set up your table in an area with a draught. The thin edges also curled up a bit annoyingly and never properly "met" together leaving gaps. 

I realized how many ground tiles there were when I didn't have a game table big enough to accommodate them all.... The thin card stood out most here.
It comes ready to fold so putting the buildings together was a cinch - it took about 20 minutes. 
I decided to glue the edges so that added about another 40 minutes of fiddling.  Overall, assembly was easy and quick.  I dislike having to assemble and "prep" models and buildings so thumbs up  from me. As a bonus - no painting required!

 The buildings brought the table to life... This is the point where I started to grin, and my wife made impressed noises and went to fetch her camera
I wondered how it would go with my 15mm collection - so here are some Micropanzer SAS and GZG UNSC troops for scale. Vehicles are all GZG.

A UNSC Patrol advances along the street. The 15mm troops look fine with the 10mm buildings.

A low angle shot. The 15mm stuff still scales well.

Micropanzer SAS advance along a road.

The rear of the SAS column; note scale of building windows etc compared to 15mm

Low angle shots help you appreciate just how big the 6x4 worth of ground squares is....

In short, I thought it scaled very well with 15mm and I'm definitely using this terrain for Tomorrow's War or sci fi Warmachine Gruntz games in 15mm. 

OK, what's the good and bad?
(+) easy to assemble - a 20-60 minute job depending on your level of effort
(+) huge amount of terrain
(+) extremely cheap - complete table with skyscrapers for the price of 2 resin buildings
(+) quality art and colour
(+) wide range of building types
(+) wide range of ground tiles (double sided)
(+) useful with the common 15mm sci fi/modern as well as 10mm games such as Dropzone Commander, Battletech, Heavy Gear, and Firestorm:Invasion etc
(+) looks fine for modern gaming (such as 15mm zombies) as well as sci fi
(+) my wife thought it was "really cool" and well worth the $$$

(-) thin card, especially noticeable on the base (ground) tiles, which can curl up edges/be bumped
(-) buildings easily bumped (or blown) around
(-) storage is a pain. Yes, you could re-flatten them but they're not particularly suited for it

Recommended: Yes.  I'd buy more, but the one box has more buildings than I'd ever need anyways. A steal at $44. I'd pay $100 for the same terrain in thicker cardboard, though. Heck, even thicker cardboard for the base tiles. If Hawk Wargames ever produces another set, I'll snap them up in a flash.

PS: I also compared the DzC terrain to 6mm miniatures here.  

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