Selasa, 27 Januari 2015

Dropfleet Commander: New and Improved Battlefleet Gothic?

I quite liked Dropzone Commander rules (they do combined arms rather well) and I have often agonised over their excellent resin model range. In the end I went (to my regret) with the equally pricey Heavy Gear models, though the Hawk Wargames card terrain was a great buy and works fine for 15mm too.

Anyway, I am interested in a new space game. Firestorm Armada is a poor rip off of Battlefleet Gothic (inferior in almost every way) with stupidly oversize models and Full Thrust is old, tired and hitbox-y.

I stole this photo from Hawk Wargames' Facebook.  The epicness of a 10mm scale strike carrier announced Dropfleet Commander with a bang.  They have some great concept art and I must say I like how they communicate with players.

Andy Chambers did a great job on Battlefleet Gothic which had some interesting ideas (Orders and Blast Markers) that are still worth a look for space gaming.  Heck, I liked it so much I made silhouette ships out of ice-cream lids (even then, GW was overpriced!) and played it extensively (Chaos vs Empire, not the unbalanced stuff like Necrons).   I like the "big ideas"shown in Dropzone Commander (the mutual dependence/synergy between units, and the consideration given to terrain and scenarios).  With the solid DzC team mixed with Andy Chambers' BFG hindsight, Dropfleet Commander is surely shaping to be a major challenger to shake up the stagnant space wargaming genre.

Also, I admire Hawk Wargames - a one-man show without any Kickstarter (which even established companies seem to "need" these days) started a complete miniature line and rules from scratch. And they're solid rules and very nice (if pricey) 10mm miniatures, at that.  Would like to see them do well with this. 

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